Sunday, December 27, 2009

I Found Nicholas!

Today, I was browsing through googles' images and was  thinking about the book cover I want to design for "The Long Road to Extradition." 

Then, all of the sudden, I think to myself; THAT'S HIM.  So, I will change out photos that pertain to Nicholas in previous posts, but this is the person I want you to think of when I discuss Nicholas.

Nicholas Fontenot, meet your readers.  Readers, meet Nicholas Fontenot (i.e. Adrien Grenier)

If any of you know Mr. Grenier, please let me know. 
No, really.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

A Collection of My Words

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Meet Nicholas Fontenot

 I write this story, I have accumulated various photos of young boys that match Nicholas's physical description; black, tousled hair, olive skin and green eyes.  Striking to be sure, yet he endures abuse at home because he is "the bastard child" of the family. 

You may find it strange that I rely on these photos to write his journey.  But, I feel that I am constructing his identity when I do this.  What music would he like? what does he think about?  and so on.  Various writers have differnt methods in creating characters.  I find myself loving this character of Nicholas.

Why is Nicholas Special?
Since I am creating his character I can tell you:
  • He is wise beyond his years
  • He knows his fears and reacts to them as most boys are concerned about their machoism.
  • His most powerful feature is that he would rather escape his circumstance than just exist.
  • His love for his oldest brother is profound and geniune.  He feels that Josh is the only one in his family that truly ever loved him.
  • He meets various people along his journey and looks past the surface in search of a little kindness from others.
Nicholas is a character that is strong enough to recognize his weaknesses, strong enough to leave his situation and strong enough to eventually return.

I think it's a journey you won't soon forget.  This story is based on a true story.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

My Latest Novel in Progress

The Long Road to Extradetion
I'm a firm believer in grabbing the reader in the first sentence. I think I have managed to do that in this novel. At the very least, I think I will have exposed just enough to lure the reader further into Nicholas's journey.

The journey will be powerful, that is for sure

The time was right as I finally began to recept ideas about a new novel. My Arien instincts is to act FAST and to write quickly...but the writer's instincts are the complete opposite.

So, I have forced myself I progress through the novel, you will meet Nicholas, a precocious yet sensitive teenager who is also the black sheep of the family. He witnesses an horrorific act that tears his family apart. From the time he is 13 years old, he makes his way through the foster system until one day he escapes his life of misery.Through his journey, he meets unforgetable characters along the way who make lasting impressions upon Nicholas which prod him to delve into his bruised emotional issues to make peace with himself. His extensive travels prove that his problems will always be a cumbersome and heavy burden that will sit upon his shoulders until he has his day of reckoning with his emotional baggage.

The scars you can't see are the hardest to heal. ~Astrid Alauda

His journey by foot is a long one, but his journey to made amends is even longer. It is through his journey that he discovers "The Long Road to Extradetion."

Novel Musings and Helpful Elaborations

Extradetion: Legal surrender of a fugitive to the jurisdiction of another state, country, or government for trial.

Quotes of interest related to the novel:
"The family is like the forest: if you are outside, it is dense; if you are inside, you see that each tree has its own position." Author: Proverb

"A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones."
Author: BibleTopic: ProverbsSource: Proverbs (ch. XVII, v. 22)

"Man's loneliness is but his fear of life."Author: Eugene O'neill

"To be adult is to be alone." Author: Jean Rostand


Welcome to my blog. I'm a professional freelance ghostwriter. When I'm not writing for clients, I squeeze in time to write my own novels.

I have to say, that I have the best job in the world. I get to meet people from all over the world and learn more about them by writing their memoirs or perhaps what they envision to be "The Great American Novel."

This blog will serve as the place where readers can find out more about my novels, my thoughts about writing them and other ideas as it comes to me. If you should have a question or comment, I'd love to hear from you. Feel free to contact me by clicking HERE.

And so the journey begins...